Category Money

One of the keys to a sound financial strategy is spending less than you take in, and then finding a way to put your excess to work. A money management approach involves creating budgets to understand and make decisions about where your money is going. It also involves knowing where you may be able to put your excess cash to work.

A Penny Saved is Two Pennies Earned

This modern twist on the Ben Franklin maxim reflects the multiplicity of taxes to which earnings are subject in today’s world.¹ Finding ways to manage expenses is one of the cornerstones of a sound financial strategy. Here are some simple…

Countering Counterfeit Currency

It is estimated by the U.S. Secret Service that, prior to the founding of that agency in 1865, up to one-half of the currency in circulation was counterfeit.¹ Today, while 90% of all known counterfeit currency is seized before it reaches circulation, combating counterfeiting…